
This two week project brief was to create seamless in-store navigation. Excellent store navigation is more than finding the quickest route. It is about empowering customers to simplify in-store decision making. The solution: To use the existing Tesco app to create smart shopping lists, navigation features, AR assistants and provide an accessible way to shop.


This two week project brief was to create seamless in-store navigation. Excellent store navigation is more than finding the quickest route. It is about empowering customers to simplify in-store decision making. The solution: To use the existing Tesco app to create smart shopping lists, navigation features, AR assistants and provide an accessible way to shop.

Type of Project:



Create seamless in-store navigation.


Publicis Sapient

/ Research

/ Research

I carried out some primary and secondary research. The first consisted in going into the Tesco cashless store to understand the users navigation journey. Then secondary research was carried out to understand which target market would be best suited for a faster and more seamless shopping journey.

/ Understanding the problem

/ Understanding the problem

Creating the user journey helped understand exactly where the pain points are located along a users specific journey. Adam a 30 year old single parent was the ideal persona as not only is he shopping for himself but he is shopping for a young child.
From the user journey map created a few pain points were identified. The user often finds it hard to pick up everything they need in time as they don't have a lot of shopping time available, the store is often very big so its difficult to navigate and know which aisle to go down, often there are way too many products on a shelf so it's difficult to pin-point exactly which item he wants. As a single parent to a child nutrition is important, but as there are so many items it's difficult to pick up the right item for his child's packed lunch, at the end of the shopping journey the queues are often incredibly long which lengthens the amount of time th user spends in the store.
From this user journey map a few key insights and opportunity areas were found to the come up with a solution.

/ Solution 1

/ Solution 1

To help users that have an overwhelming feeling when shopping with long lists in large supermarkets.
Create a smart list which uses data from their Tesco Clubcard to generate personalised shopping lists, whilst also suggesting products and highlighting relevant promotions.

/ Solution 2

/ Solution 2

When users become frustrated when stores move items around. They often feel lost within large stores, which extends their shopping experience.
A smart navigation feature which creates a map based on the items from the list created, which then rearranges according to the store that the consumer is shopping at. The map chooses the fastest route for the consumer to collect and purchase their items with minimal friction.

/ Solution 3

/ Solution 3

For users that struggle to anticipate the price of their shop before reaching the checkout, when they feel pressure to make decisions on the spot or when they don’t like asking for help so find it stressful to find product information in store.
AR assistant which uses the camera to direct the user to their product and also provide information on promotional goods/offers nearby.

/ Prototyping

/ Prototyping

One of the final deliverables for this two week sprint was a prototype. In the video there are a range of different figma prototyping tools used.